踏入充滿活力的色彩世界,探索彩虹下的天空:Under the Rainbow Sky(有聲書)!這本迷人的有聲故事書邀請年輕讀者在彩虹繽紛的天空中展開神奇旅程,同時以有趣的方式學習英文。每一頁都充滿了奇幻的插圖和標準英文語音讀取的故事,通過一場激動人心的冒險介紹色彩。這本有聲圖畫書不僅適合學習英文的孩子,也為家庭帶來愉快的閱讀體驗,讓學習變成一場彩虹下的色彩之旅。
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.