迷失的小搖籃曲 (★兒童英文有聲故事書) 邀請小讀者跟隨一首迷路的小搖籃曲,見證它如何找到回家的路,並為世界各地帶來平靜與安寧。這首搖籃曲在旅途中經歷各種奇妙的冒險,每到一處,都用其柔和的旋律撫慰人們的心靈,使他們感受到安寧。這個故事不僅是對音樂和和諧的慶祝,也是對堅持和希望的讚美。生動的插圖和充滿詩意的情節將引導孩子們認識到,即使在最不可能的地方,美好和平靜也是可能找到的。
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
- The Forgotten Lullaby
- The Journey Begins
- Meeting New Friends
- The Dark Forest
- A Ray of Hope
- The Enchanted Lake
- A Magical Encounter
- Reuniting with Joy
- Spreading Peace
- A Time for Celebration
- A Lesson Learned
- New Beginnings
- Forever Grateful
- Dreams Come True
- The End and a New Beginning
- Goodnight, Little Lullaby